L-literature M-music N-naming O-oral language P-phonemic awareness,/picture imaging MyLMNOP are the building blocks used to engage early learners in the promotion of expressive language and vocabulary building skills.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


  Oh the HORROR!! 

Deciding to create and start a blog was, IS scary! I felt, feel Naked.  Who am I?  What do I have to offer?  My thoughts ran a muck.  What will I say?  How do I begin?  Will anyone visit?   Just asking myself those questions gave me butterflies (maybe it was low blood sugar).  My nose ran, and my skin began to sag (oh wait, the sagging was already going on).  Anyway,  I didn't want to look, well__stupid.  

You know what?  If allowed, Fear can be an abusive captor!  Being held hostage by fear IS, well__stupid!  As the kids say, "Squash It!"  So I dove into the deep end.  I used those piles of excuses, that were rolled up in procrastination and wrapped in fear to stand on.  I courageously returned to the surface.  Before I had a chance to dry, I created a twitter page, joined LinkedIn, participated in webinars, and found support in places I never knew existed.  My cup runneth over.    

So come in!  Grab a handful of thin mints, or somoas, scroll down to my bookshelf, and read how I used some of my favorite books to engage early learners in my literacy program.  I'll soon have videos to give you a peek into MyLMNOP of Literacy.  I'm still figuring this stuff out.  It took me a month to add the 12x12in12 badge but I did it!  Yay me!  I'll be patting myself (and you too) on the back frequently.   


  1. I look forward to hearing from my 12x12ers, linkedin, and twitter followers.

    1. Hey Pam, your site is fabulous looking, your concept is valuable and your writing is clear, personable and witty. Thanks for leaving comments on my blog and best of luck with yours. I'm sure it will do great!

  2. Yum girl scout cookies, I'm in! I totally agree on the fear squashing required to write out there in the naked open of the internet. I often wonder how anyone can write a post everyday.. how is it possible to have something that interesting to say EVERY DAY?! And when I do post I feel a bit shy about telling anyone.. but LinkedIn has helped me to get over that a little bit.. facebook is a bit scarier, since I actually KNOW a lot of those people! Good luck with your blog Pam, its looks great so far!

    1. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I'm still learning from all of you. Visited your site. I love it! The vid on genetically altered food__great! Keep us the good work.

  3. I love what you've done so far and I'm looking forward to your videos!

    1. Thank you for visiting. I think your work will be a good resource for my literacy program.

  4. Hi Pam, I'm looking forward to reading more on your blog. I am new to blogging too -- so we will learn together!

  5. Hello Margaret, Thanks for dropping by. Let me know what you think of the shelfari section of my blog. It's at the very end. I look forward to reading your blog too.

    1. Very cool. I love it. I may have to add one to my blog too.

      BTW, I've awarded you the Liebster award, which is an award given to our favorite blogs to help others discover them. It is on my blog at pentoprint.blogspot.com. Congratulations!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. WOW!! Thank you Margaret! I'll post this award on the 12x12 wall. Now do I list five things about myself on my blog?

  6. Good for you. Failure is only failure when you don't capitalize from it. Have fun with it!

  7. Thanks Dennis, I'm having great fun learning all about the world of blogging and other forms of social media. I'll be visiting your blog often.

  8. Hi Pam,
    It's good to know that I wasn't the only one who felt that way when I first started blogging. Fear does have a way of capturing us and the only way to become its captor is by facing and overcoming it.
    Keep up the good work.

  9. Hello Lanre, thanks for the support!

  10. Good for you! It can be strangely empowering, looking those fears in the eye and blowing them a raspberry!

    Take care and keep writing!

  11. Hey, blowing them a raspberry! I like that idea Karen. Thank you for the support and for dropping by.
